
Electricity itself is a natural phenomena, but as regular AC/DC currency it becomes a commoddity. But Green Electricity is a strange thing. You pay more money for your electricity which the providers say they will invest in environmental friendly energy like windenergy and waterpower. So the 'green' addition to the product is purely virtual.

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  • NerryvoB
    Hello from Happykiddi.

    Hello from Happykiddi.

    Posted on

  • There's no such thing as 'green electricity'. There's just ways of generating an electric current by changing magnetic fields, as described by Faraday's law..which happen to not use fossil fuels. That's all. No fancy advertising, no need for hype. It's physics, folks! And it's good, since our society runs on electricity.

    Posted on

  • @ Афанасий Why bother grammar mistakes if it's only real estate you are selling?

    Posted on

  • Автор молодец, правда я нашёл несколько грамматических ошибок в тексте...

    Posted on

  • Is that a real lightning strike? If

    Posted on

  • cool pictures : )!

    Posted on

  • > Why do we need old natur when we've got next nature? Tja.. old nature lijkt langzaam vervangen te worden door next nature.

    Posted on

  • hmmm... tends to greenpeace-like stories and I think next nature is not about preserving nature as we know it, it's about new nature... Why do we need old nature when we've got next nature?

    Posted on

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