confetti chicken

This weeks peculiar image was taken this summer by a friend of mine. He went to a birdmarket in Esfahan, Iran and noticed that discrimination takes many forms; only blond chicks were excluded from taking the happy shower...

"Those colors make me feel happy and sad at the same time"

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  • Old post true but this I just have to comment on. Those easter chicks are something my grandmother down on the farm would inevitably end up getting every year after Easter when the chicks wouldn't die after a couple of days like expected. They grow into a nasty, mean tempered, big chicken. Their eggs aren't worth eating and neither are they. Probably why they were dyed and sold in the first place. No sense in wasting usable chickens after all.

    Posted on

  • they actually die in a few days because of the paint which kills them.

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  • these are nice chickens gd for suckin off

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  • The color is lost when actual feathers come out. They grow up to be dead chicken in somebody's table. Preferrably roasted. Now, really. They are a common gift and I've seen them, usually in the arms of a kid that will be sick of them when they realize the things need care and shit all over the place. That's about they time the mum will either "set it free" or give it away to someone willing to take care of it (who will later provide a nice oven for it to roast, probably). Sadly, these are no more than novelty, moving pom-poms and usually have a life expectancy of a couple of days before dying of natural causes (the most common of which is the kid throwing it out a window "so it can fly" or things of that ilk).

    Posted on

  • Aha chickens are colored, ducks not.. I wonder what would be preferable.. Does anybody have any idea why these chicks are colored and what happens to them... I expect they don't grow to be pink chicken?

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  • The coloured are not ducks. They are chicks. Chicken chicks.

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  • It took me some time to see that the coloured are actually live ducks. Must be chicks coming out of dyed easter eggs...

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  • Note: Only chicken chicks are dyed. Ducklings are not. All the ones on the right are ducklings, the ones on the left are dyed chicks and blonde ducklings.

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  • At least the rejected ones are still sold here.. In our bio-industry setup all the males are immediately destructed. Do you know if the dark onces were cheaper?

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