While the spotting of old nature phenomena in our surroundings – birds, insects, trees, stars, etc – has a large tradition enjoyed by millions, the spotting of next nature phenomena is still more quirky and yet to be defined.

Join our quest to explore nature caused by people. If you own an iPhone, use this free application to spot next nature phenomena around you. On a map you can see all spots that are submitted in your neighborhood and comment on them. Of course there is also an integrated blog reader and additional info on next nature including a visual essay and FAQ.

The Next Nature spotter was developed in collaboration with Studio Sophisti, with support of the Mondriaan Foundation. Comments and ideas for improvements are welcome!

p.s. Although next nature is first and foremost a philosophical view on the interrelation between people, nature and technology in the larger evolutionary game, of which we realize the effects are not always necessarily visible in a geographical sense, we still find it worthwhile to see how this reflects in our surroundings.

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  • An honest attempt to create a mobile application which, is really takes mobile application users near to the nature and allows them to enjoy the entire natural atmosphere in the iPhone itself.

    Posted on

  • Sorry about this, our app is temporarily taken out of the store awaiting an new version for iPhone OS4. This will take at least a few days. I will post a comment here when it is back in store!

    Posted on

  • Strange indeed, iTunes reports that the app is not available in the dutch Appstore. Was it banned for some reason?

    Posted on

  • Strange, this 'ultra-dutch' app seems unavailable in the dutch app-store?!

    Posted on

  • From a Ukrainian-American, media grad student in New York City, I would love to see this application on my Android device.

    Posted on

  • Dear Wessallonus, First of all, it will be hard to deny there are some members of the Apple tribe among our team, so I wont. Also, I want to apologize for our ultra-Dutchness. Although is no surprise that next nature thinking emerged in the Netherlands – a country largely situated below sea level and devoid of old nature – we fully realize that the topic is relevant on a global level. In fact, our webstatistics learn https://nextnature.net has more visitors from Texas alone than from the Netherlands. It is just that too many of the editors are Dutch Mac users, who at times are biased by their own personal experiences which are not necessarily contributing to the exploration of next nature. Indeed we could use some contributors to the blog with a different cultural background (Yes, Mexican Android users and may consider this as an invitation). Thanks for keeping us sharp on the matter. Regarding your remark that the post is a commercial for an App? True, perhaps. Indeed we are trying to sell you something: another way of thinking about nature. Yet, it is free of charge and may improve your understanding of the relation between people, nature and technology. So I don't see the need to complain there.

    Posted on

  • Is this nextnature, or is this a commercial for an app? I think this would be better placed on the place of an ad, instead of between those other blogs etc. I love this site btw, but I have a few questions Why is it so ultra-dutch? Why is it so linked to apple-design?

    Posted on

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