What do you think of lab-grown meat? "Yuck" might be your first reaction. One day, however, it could become the environmentally friendly alternative for breeding cows and pigs for meat consumption. Professor Mark Post argues in his talk at TEDxBrainport that it is relatively simple to take stem cells from an animal and grow them to produce new muscle tissue. Simply add sugar, proteins and fat and get it into shape with a bit of exercise to created edible meat. The only problem then is to find a new role for our livestock...

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  • This means the end of the disassembly line and the rise of the test tube, but also total disruption of the entire gourmet food chain and luxury goods supply. Livestock serves several purposes, for instance cow's pregnancy plays a role in milk production, cow's offspring gets transformed into meat calf, their skin gets reprocessed as leather, and ultimately no more milk to strengthen the bones of the children of the compassionates.

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  • Great news. The key word in all of this debate is sentience. By editing out the sentient factor/dilemma one can promote a more empathetic, compassionate food. Most carnivores are ignorant of what goes on in slaughter houses and in particular halal and kosher slaughters. For all those who say they need flesh protein or love the taste of meat then they could eat this product guilt free. This gives hope for all the millions of innocent animals killed globally on a daily basis. The added bonus is that its would be great for the environment. Most livestock rearing nowadays is intensive, non organic, government subsidised so in the future farmers would not need to breed so much, the tax payer bill would be eased. Diversification would then be the name of the game. Be prepared for a lot of ill informed silly press and a die hard carnivorous back lash. I know many organisations and people generally who would welcome this product's presence in the supermarkets. It offers a real alternative for the planet, the animals and humans.

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  • ...and new goals for our butcher. Would it be possible that the butcher follows the same route that the one who used to work in the operating room, from slaying limbs to knitting body parts?

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