Visual of SWIPE


Smartphone Movie

Ever left your phone at home by mistake and felt like you are missing a limb? Turns out, a lot of us feel that way. We need to talk about smartphones. SWIPE is a movie about your phone, on your phone.


The Smartphone movie about you and your most intimate companion… your phone. Experience the impact of your phone on your lifestyle and communication. A visual love letter to that gadget you can't live without!

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A Smartphone movie about your phone

SWIPE is a movie made to be watched on your phone, and it shines a light on how much we depend on our smartphones today. The film uses creative chat messages to show how our way of talking has changed now that we're always texting, swiping, and chatting. It's like the movie is saying, "Hey, remember when Marshall McLuhan predicted back in 1964 that people and technology would start to merge?
Well, it's happening."

Welcome in the Phone Age

The average person unlocks their phones 150 times a day, how natural is that? On a global scale, more than 5 bilion people have access to a mobile phone connection, and over half of these are smartphones. And let’s face it: these numbers continue to grow. We are now living in a world where more people have access to mobile phones than clean toilets. This fact is equally alarming as significant. It’s a sign of our times. We are living in the Phone Age.

“Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything.”

- Steve Jobs, at the first iPhone launch in 2007

The app will test your attention span

SWIPE is free to download and watch. You can explore all the content in 15 minutes or swipe through it faster. After that the app will be yours forever. However, if you leave the app before completing, you will have to buy it back for 99 cents.
If you are distracted, it will cost you.

The Smartphone as Next Nature

From StoneAxe to SmartPhone

The smartphone exists less than a human lifetime, yet it has become a natural part of our existence, just as essential as the stone axe was to our far ancestors. The arrival of the smartphone made profound changes to the way you navigate life and helps you survive the current era. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.

Dual role of the Smartphone

The smartphone is known for its convenience and is a fantastic invention, but it also has a problematic effect. Despite concerns about addiction, SWIPE wants to highlight the positives by placing the device in the context of a larger evolutionary change in human life.

Evolving Language and Identity

The digital age brings new words and ways of talking, changing how we chat and see ourselves. Digital natives get it easily, while others are catching up, learning this digital language.

Co-evolve with technology

Bees did not always live in colonies. Humans were not always glued to smartphones. Will your phone parasite on you, or turn you into an angel?

The phone as a body part

The smartphone has become indispensable and makes the connection between people and society. We see that the smartphone is coming closer to people through its increasing functionality. With your smartphone you can arrange your banking affairs, manage your agenda, navigate, save photos, etc. It becomes a kind of body part that you can't live without. Although the smartphone is not yet literally in our bodies, its impact does enter our bodies.

Fusion of people and technology

The merging of people and technology has been going on for quite some time and has been given different names; AI and robots are currently the best known, but we cannot yet predict what technological humans will look like in 100 years. The smartphone functions like a mirror that we hold up to ourselves and is today the instrument with which people can shape their lives. Our identity used to be partly shaped by the community; family and friends, but thanks to the online society we can create our own stories.

SWIPE is a visual love letter to that gadget you can't live without!

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Swipe credits

  • Team

    Director Mieke Gerritzen
    Assistant Director Honor Newman
    Graphic Design Thonik, Mieke Gerritzen
    Chat Animations Thonik
    Video Edit Honor Newman
    Sound Design & Edit Marco Vermaas (Studio Vermaas) & Kazimir Lovink
    Sound Library Henry Drenth
    Chat Sound Design Ymer Marinus
    Programming App Skye Ewers
    Glossary Text Writing Beau Magdelijns
    Production Next Nature
    Advisors Ruben Baart, Koert van Mensvoort, Geert Lovink

  • Thanks to

    Laura van den Brink, Eleni Maragkou, Sanne Heijnk, Lucas Zarzoso Hueck, Iris Brugman, Alper Çekinmez, Hester Gersonius, Christian Eckert, Tim Speetjens, Madyan Nassar, Saskia Wesseling

  • Supported by

    NL Film Fund, NL Creative Industries Fund, The Image Society, Ministerie van OCW, Provincie Noord-Brabant, Gemeente Eindhoven, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Brainport Eindhoven, Next Nature Network

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