Visual of VR Time Machine

VR Time Machine

A trip to Big Future.

Good day passengers. This is your boarding call for our VR Time Machine. Your destination: Big Future. Mode of transport: Virtual Reality. We have clear weather today. Our flight time takes not 10, 100 or 1000 years, but billions of years ahead into the future.

Welcome time travelers.

For how many years have the Earth and the universe been around? And for how long have humans been here? If we see how old our universe is, we humans have been on Earth for a relatively short time. The dreams we have about the future are short-term too if you place them in the perspective of deep time.

Travel log: 10,000 years from now, sea levels are rising and our green architecture transforms into floating structures made of recycled material.
Travel log: 1,000,000,000 years from now, an intellegent life force seems to have fused underground and risen from beneath the ice.

Are you ready to travel a few billion years ahead?

Next Nature is taking you on a voyage to the distant future. With our VR Time Machine you will explore the possibilities of human evolution and all our planet's transformations. We combined scientific knowledge, philosophy, and imagination into one virtual reality experience while a carousel-like structure sends you floating into the air. Your trip to Big Future will take you forward in time, to the end of the Earth, the solar system, and the beginning of everything.

Plan your visit

Our VR Time Machine is currently on display at the futuristic Evoluon building in Eindhoven as part of the RetroFuture exhibition. We dedicated 3,000 square meters of exhibition space about yesterday's future through design, art, science and film. Will humans still be alive in a billion years? And how do we become good ancestors of people, the nature and technology of our future?

Plan your visit


  • Concept & Research

    Directors: Floris Kaayk & Koert van Mensvoort
    Installation concept & design: Maze de Boer
    Scenario: Koert van Mensvoort & Floris Kaayk
    Scientific advice: Frans Snik, Rob van Hattum, Lisa Becking, Erik van Sebille, Daniel Oberski, Behnam Taebi

  • Production

    3D modelling & Asset development: Organism Studios, Adriaan & Rik Veldhuizen
    Animation & Rendering: Floris Kaayk
    Interaction design & additional audio design:
    Marcus Graf
    Music: Mattheis
    Sound Design: Wart Warmsteker
    Co-producers: Next Nature Network | Koert van Mensvoort & Tim Hoogesteger, seriousFilm | Koert Davidse & Marc Thelosen
    Design Assistant: Silvia Cantalupi
    Line Producer: Lies de Jager
    Technical team: Marcus Graf, Hans Broers, Martijn van Nunen
    Education: STRP | Shirley Hendrikse, Djoeke Schoots
    Next Nature Academy | Arida Bandringa, Rolinka Kattouw
    Academy program: Rachel Owusu, Honor Newman, Lucas Zarzoso Hueck, Ruben Baart, Rolinka Kattouw
    Production coordinator: Simon Bavinck
    Coordinator volunteers: Mitchell Multem
    Marketing: Hans van Rijsbergen, Saskia Wesseling
    Graphic Design: UNDOG
    Web developers: Christian Eckert, Sven Ewers

  • Partners

    This production is produced within the framework of Immerse\Interact, a collaboration of the Netherlands Film Fund and Creative Industries Fund NL

    Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
    STROOM The Hague
    Amsterdam Fund for the Arts
    City of Eindhoven
    Province of Noord-Brabant
    Mondriaan Fund
    VriendenLoterij Fund
    Regio Deal Brainport Eindhoven

    Copyright 2022 Next Nature Network / seriousFilm

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